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Language Deutsch

Deformation measurement


Object deformation fields (magnitude and direction) can be determined with maximum efficiency and precision using photogrammetric technology. A standard application for photogrammetric deformation measurement is climate testing for automotive plastic parts or deformations of machines under load. On the right the deformation of a car (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2) and a stamping press (Fig. 3 and Fig. 4) are shown at different load conditions.


The measuring principle is a least squares photogrammetric bundle adjustment. Two or more deformation states for the target object are established. Transforming the two resulting datasets into a common coordinate system (vehicle-fixed or floating), the deformations are shown as vectors.


In these examples we measured deformations of a few tenths of a millimeters. The 3D representation gives an overview of the spatial orientation of the deformation. The resulting vectors can be color-coded and projected into the images (separated by coordinate directions).