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Scanner referencing


For large smooth objects a global point grid is needed in order to precisely locate the scanner in space. The Linearis3D Photogrammetry System creates such a global grid. In order to be able to use large, especially smooth-surfaced It is enough to get optimal scan results for objects it doesn't create overlapping scans. Only with a global, highly accurately calibrated dot grid the scanners can reliably orient themselves in space and thus achieve high-quality scan results. The Photogrammetry provides a highly accurate global grid.


The target points of the scanner manufacturer are placed on the object, e.g., a vintage car (Fig. 1). Coded photogrammetry targets are added and a photogrammetric scale is positioned in the measuring volume. For a car-sized object about 200 pictures are taken in rapid succession. Computation is fully automatic. With one click the point grid is exported. The scanner's software imports the coordinates and uses them for orientation. Linearis3D export format is compatible with leading scanner models.


Scan results can be improved significantly.

Export-Formats and compatibility

Linearis3D supports these export formats:
  • .ref
  • .obc
  • .lst
  • .asc
  • .csv
Linearis3D iss compatible with these scanners:

Products for Scanner Referencing: